so....different people who feel 'called' to do more with their lives...
we all have different passions.
mine are love and service....i love to serve others (and by serving them...i am also loving them)..OH SNAP!
so i was in church today...sitting on the youth row w/ the director and the previous intern. we had one youth with us....sadly the group has been divided lately.
anyway...the rev. brad was talking about how we can just be better...and i remember he was making points...i honestly can't remember all of them. but i do remember something he said...
i love it....
you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.
it's very similar to the gandhi quote i like 'be the change you want to see in the world'
i love the youth so much...i want to see them succeed & grow in their relationships with Christ and each other.
i want to build a reputation of trust and motivation, with a dash of AWESOME
'If anyone would be the first, he must be the last of all and servant of all' - mark 9:35