Monday, June 23, 2008


even though i am working 50% less than last summer this summer seems to be so busy too. i miss summer softball (even though i kinda suck) w/ the wesley crew. being in the dugout pretending i know what's going on, standing in the outfield w/ my youth sized glove hoping a ball doesn't come my way so i don't have to look like a wus who can't really throw the ball more than 10 feet.....
i miss after game get together at sonic......between people acting like social plagues in my life and fresh market i am slowly spacing away from them....and that es no bueno mucho kidos.

i miss the kids from camp last matter how annoying they were at times. i miss me being the super hero of hugs and popcicles

been rocking out to a lot of dashboard confessional and T.I. lately.
attempted to go running. i'd say i made it to 3/4 a mile before i decided to die. went on a hunt to find a stadium to run in....i found one i can squeeze in between the gates through...the problem however is if i get caught i might get in trouble...sigh
my best bets so far are cordova high and christian brothers high.....any other suggestions for some massive amounts of stairs?

i've discovered that i like baking.....esp when i'm not at work.

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