i don't want to label myself as a rebel...i'm hardly rebellious.
HOWEVER....i do like to make changes for the better, and it does bring a smile to my face when i can turn heads and drop jaws while in the process of making people realize there's a better way of thinking...
spoke on issues facing the church (universal and hometown) w/ dan, fuss, mike and this guy named drew today in front of what seemed like a partial congregation at Emmanuel UMC.
i think i saw an older lady give a puzzled look when i explained how i was finished w/ my undergraduate and was planning to pursue my m.div.
the...audience/class?? (not sure what to call it...i was late.) asked good questions...
my favorite one was "why do you think younger people like yourself (question is directed to all of us) shy away from ministry from the church? (then later ministry as a career)
i answered w/....well the problem is the church tries to fit ministry into a box.
the church says......this is how it should be because that's how it's always been....but church numbers are decreasing, so obviously that's not working anymore.
people/the world is changing and if the church can't/doesn't recognize that and is willing to do something about it then the church is ultimately can only blame itself for lack of attendance.
the church can't reach all 50, 10, 5, or even 2 people the same......you just can't treat everyone the same...that's NOT how you reach people.
you can't fit your congregation in this set box of ideals and character make up.....
i also brought to the attention the reason people kinda shy away from ministry as a career or look down on it as a career...first is hypocracy, second is the church. the church is not accepting well....they don't seem to respect younger ministers...the older congregations any way.
but eventually congregations will have no choice....all the ministers are going to retire or die....cause they're older.
most ministers choose ministry as a career after their career (therefore still starting older and having a shorter career).....so if anything the young ministers who are dedicating their entire life to this.....to answering the call, to making a difference....earlier. they should....be welcomed w/ open arms as if they had already been doing it their entire lives, because in the end whether they are old or young they are doing what God has called them to do....has given them the gift to do.
so embrace it....regardless of age.
this is all a part of justin's homework.....now i'm intrigued even more about the church and it's role in society.
seminary...bring it!
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