Wednesday, April 29, 2009

instant coffee doesn't mean it's fast acting

okay. this weekend is going fun filled.
see this picture. this is michael......this weekend he turns 24.
he currently is my best friend/brother.
after this weekend i'll update you to see if that's still the case.
prepare yourselves. it's going to be epic.

this is dexter.... he's just cute.
he loves me (to a point) even when i forget to fill the kibble bowl up.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

life lessons

this is me....i was looking through the camping gear at outdoors and well...i couldn't resist reaching back to my roots ;-)

so check this...

God's been working quite a bit in my life lately...and it's been so amazing.
sunday...someone to the left of me on the pew sent me a msg...i'm not a fan of passing notes during church so i just let it sit next to me for a bit. i open it...
'you are the best youth intern ever!'
-proverbs 4:7....i look it up.
'The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight.'
i LOVE it.
cause c'mon folks lets be honest....i have no real idea of what i'm doing...this life thing. i'm just learning as i go.

so....the week gets even more amazing.
i find myself becoming this...different person. i don't even know what's going on...just growing at this exponential rate it seems. i am amazed at this person i's surreal to me. i'm not even sure i's greater than myself. i know that much.
the last 2-3 months i've become something...someone that i think deep down i've always wanted to be.
that right there is some Christ love coming into play.

then tonight....
mr. ken weatherford comes and sings at wesley...he's talking about these starving children and he reads this verse and it speaks to me....
my heart is called so deeply to two things in particular....1. service, 2. love.....
i live my life strongly for both of those.

1 John 3:18
'Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth'

this verse i believe also goes hand in hand in with what the rev. brad gabriel has said...'you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do'

don't say you want to love or help it. talk my friends is cheap. be a person of action. if there is something out there that is within your hands, your power, your heart that you can make a difference a, change....DO IT!!!!

one word...ballin' always Chirst Love!

my cousin actual case you haven't figured it out yet...we like making fun of ourselves.

Friday, April 10, 2009

good friday...long friday

tabby, the great...or tub-a-tha as the roommates call her.

so today was quite long. i had asked off work so that i could actually get something accomplished on this holy day. apparently it's a big day for eating (who would of known)...thus me working in a grocery store, nothing would of gotten accomplished in the rest of my life.

1. i did get to go out to eat w/ megan and that was awesome. we went to this swanky cafe in mid-town
2. i did get flyers made and had two of my youth post them throughout the church for our yaaaay for that
3....this is the big one. dress shopping. i tried to tell my short, stubby but very large chested friend she needed a certain style of dress (in case jared is reading this...) and she did not believe me....i went to school for 5 years for fashion. you can't tell by looking at me but it's kinda my thing.
anywho she looks stunning and i am worn out.
those dresses are super heavy.

to more important matters i am not purchasing a hammock anytime soon.
i was thinking back to one of sally's quotes (the lady i went dress shopping w/) and it's just not something i need.
'we can be richer than the industry, we just have to realize there are things that we really don't need'...or something like that.
Grrrrrr how i wanted to sleep in a hammock this week.....and get new reefs but that too is not needed.

trying to minimal-ize my material wants and possessions....and realizing how much of a hoard i really am...

yeah this is dexter. he doesn't photo well....part b/c of the poor lighting and part b/c he's black.

Monday, April 6, 2009

touching lives not children

so this weekend was my first real lock in w/ the kids. prior to i was trained formally in safe sanctuary (our church policy...that we finally adopted).
i was informed that i am no long allowed to start a hug...this frustrates me but i will abide by it. i am fortunate in the fact my kids love and expect bear hugs and attack me for them :-D

just a lot of drama going on at the church....i'm not a fan of the politics or the drama. hopefully soon it will be over...for the kids sake and for my sanity. i love the kids so much (in a christ-like way).
theses kids and their lives have consumed mine and i can honestly say i've never felt more whole and like i'm making a difference that when i'm with them and and just guiding them.
i can be myself....and at the same time i'm still the 'adult'. it's strange...i never thought of myself as a role model before...

i'm not sure how long i'll be in youth ministrity...but right now it's deff. where i'm supposed to be. God's tugging at my heart and telling me this is what i need to do. so here i am. full of love and dedication.
...i just hope that's enough.

i love showing them how to show christ love. it's loving when it's not easy. it's serving one another. it's about sacrifice...humbling yourself. giving yourself. helping the less all matters...even the small ones.