so this weekend was my first real lock in w/ the kids. prior to i was trained formally in safe sanctuary (our church policy...that we finally adopted).
i was informed that i am no long allowed to start a hug...this frustrates me but i will abide by it. i am fortunate in the fact my kids love and expect bear hugs and attack me for them :-D
just a lot of drama going on at the church....i'm not a fan of the politics or the drama. hopefully soon it will be over...for the kids sake and for my sanity. i love the kids so much (in a christ-like way).
theses kids and their lives have consumed mine and i can honestly say i've never felt more whole and like i'm making a difference that when i'm with them and and just guiding them.
i can be myself....and at the same time i'm still the 'adult'. it's strange...i never thought of myself as a role model before...
i'm not sure how long i'll be in youth ministrity...but right now it's deff. where i'm supposed to be. God's tugging at my heart and telling me this is what i need to do. so here i am. full of love and dedication.
...i just hope that's enough.
i love showing them how to show christ love. it's loving when it's not easy. it's serving one another. it's about sacrifice...humbling yourself. giving yourself. helping the less fortunate...in all matters...even the small ones.

so, this is bdunn using k's account to post this. i'll have to say that i totally know where you are coming from.
these youth deserve to be loved and shown they are loved. i will abide by the safe sanctuary stuff as well, since it was brought to me by the HPIC! ask me later what that means.
the thing is that we are trying to touch lives, but in essence, touching children's lives. things only get accomplished if you are willing to be there for them and in there lives; if you are willing to take time out of your day, no matter what time, to listen to them.
they know when they are being respected and they know when people are being fake and they know when they are appreciated and they know who truly cares for them. it is those people that they come to, it is those people that they feel safe with, it is those people that make a difference.
i applaud you for your aggressive approach to youth ministry and your involvement in their lives. they really do love and appreciate you, as they should.
you are doing a fantastic job!
keep it up!!!
thanks k & b!
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