this is just a picture that makes me happy. sally & jared on the bluff at the redbirds. this is the night the campus crusade for christ group was nagging mikah about the exact date of his salvation...
last night the lesson was on humility and servant hood. i talked about how christ washed the feet of the 12...even though he knew he was going to betrayed by the one. the lesson was hard to get though. it seemed that all of the youth had their mind on other things.
i asked them questions about what it meant to be christ-like and to be a servant.
oh well...we have several good discussions too.
also at the end of youth i was greeted by brad and this gentleman who informed me that two of the youth had thrown a water balloon at his truck while he was driving down walnut grove.
....sigh adolescence.
currently planning guys nights/girls nights.
man i forgot how small they used to be...
went out and saw harry potter last night w/ adam, bryan & kim. it was packed and the movie was pretty good. adam and i had preped by watching the 5th movie before youth. later went to ihop and tried to not steal a decanter.

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