scott is on the right. he is adam's younger brother. please keep him and the family in your prayers. scott is in the hospital. he went just a few days after returning from training camp.
last night during youth from my buddy j.t.
granted we all know i'm one of the guys and always have been. j.t. has been ignoring jared and myself for awhile. we used to have tcby tuesdays and went golfing and did rock band and such...and we've just all been busy.
he called me last night and informed me that him and his gf are on break, so we chatted and after doing the team's laundry i went over to wesley and j.t., fuss and myself ate chocolate ice cream and brownies and talked about the ladies.
i slept past my alarm today...
didn't even get out of the house until like 9:30 (geez)
was informed from one of my youth that i shouldn't curse so much....i am undecided if i should take heed to this or not.
pray for one of my youth as well....as he is going through much fam and life dramas.....
through working through the youth i have learned just how blessed my life has been.