spent the evening w/ sally and jared. we sent off sara w/ the rest of the presby place.
smoked some hooka, which i haven't done in years....jared and i agreed. 1. we'd rather have a beer and 2. we're just past that hooka smoking stage of our lives.
took the youth out today to bww and on the ride back....oh the epic adventure that became....
james....a basketball player for wshs, darling hanna, who let me add is amazing, and dear corey...we were all rocking out to taylor swift's you belong to me.
we had the windows rolled down and were singing at the top of our lungs (as we rolled by galloway country club).
it was super epic and made me happy beyond words.....
what do you ask is better than singing taylor swift at the top of your lungs in your own car?....singing taylor swift at the top of your lungs, w/ the windows rolled down in someone else's car with 4 high school students.
and to end my night w/ a wonderfully sweet boyfriend, who sends me sweet txt.
my life = amazing.
thank God, and may he pour out his blessings on those around me.

i love them all!
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