this is my dear friend lauren and her sister emily. lauren's sisters and mother had a shower for her at their house today.
it was nice....their wedding is october 10th.
last night i went to diana's wedding w/ sally and jared. it was super formal and kinda weird.
most of the ppl there that sally knew were from high school and most of the ppl there i knew were from church....given that the wedding was held at the church i work at.
diana and her mother in law are the coaches for the runner's club that sally and i attend.
there were Marines dressed in their dress whites. there were swords.
at the reception there was a cake...a chocolate cake that was shaped like an armadillo.
both cakes were cut w/ rob's sword. it was slightly epic....after that i think i was just bored.
i can't wait for sally and jared's wedding.
there's going to be
1. omelets
2. waffles
3. kickball.....need i say more?
until then...more news about showers and such.
i wish my tan from that day of golfing would go away...i've been using the smelly self tanner and it seems to be doing no good.
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