i'm currently watching the movie
fireproofit's talking about love. true love. the love that endures all (bad and hard times included), the self-less love, the patient love.
the love that's slow to speak and quick to listen.
i appreciate this movie.
i strongly believe that if God is not at the center of all things (work, life, friendships in this case marriage) then things will not go right/well
the Bible speaks many words about love. true love and i believe that if more people loved like God has commanded us to love (one another...in a worldly sense not just a marriage sense) there would be fewer complications.
not that would be easier....maybe so, but def. more rewarding.
let me just also throw up a praise, because God is oh so good.
adam called me up to come over for dinner with him and jack.
i get there and jack is cooking some peas & mushrooms, boiling some shrimp and adam is grilling tuna steak. (yum...right)
then jack set up some places for us to eat....there was room for 4. jack, adam, SCOTT and myself!
woo to the hoo.
scott's home!!! which thrills me to no end.