this is the sweet and wonderful adam, my boyfriend.
it still tickles me to call him that. i prayed about it for a long time, and i just couldn't imagine what it would be like when we became official. i started to try and get to know adam back in august 2007. it took us awhile to get to know one another before deciding that we wanted to get into a relationship, which is fine by me. all great things take time after all.
i went over to his house saturday to have some of his dad's home made pizza, which was AMAZING! adam and i hung out with his dad (jack) and brother (scott).
I fell asleep for a good bit as did scott.
After i woke up adam and i talked for a bit. he brought some things to the table that will better/strengthen our relationship, which just over joys my heart.
he continues to surprise and awe me.
i knew he was someone special when i met him and now he just continues to prove to me what a great person he is. He doesn't like it when I talk so highly of him. then again was it not mark twain that said something about if you do what is right and what you should be doing you will shock people.
as i work on things and as he works on things i think we're both in the boat of self improvement. it can only help our relationship.
i am blessed.
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