living with the rachiele's is nice. the biggest draw back is that i don't get to cuddle with tabby and dexter anymore.
i like having the opportunity to sit down and have a family dinner at least once a week with them (the rest of the week i'm out late)
i kinda miss the friendship mike and i had...it's just not the same and i'm trying to work at us being friends. inviting him out to lunch and asking to hang out and calling and txting but there's just no luck. oh well :-(
tonight after basketball adam and i are going to shooting competition...from which i have to excuse myself to open up my gym and then return.
tomorrow night we attempt to make our first pot roast. yumm.

I hope the pot roast went went. I had to ruin two before I got the hang of it.
*whispers* vinaigrette ; )
we ended up not having enough time for it. so we grilled chicken, made mashed potatoes and peas w/ mushrooms
...oh and cobbler
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