Wednesday, August 18, 2010

finally an update

well it's been awhile since i last updated...let's see what's happened.

well i got engaged. (wooo)

started seminary

in co-partnership w/ this program called CYMT (center for youth ministry training)
they are helping me to get my M.Div
which leads to the next awesome thing....i have my meeting w/ the dCom the end of september, so i'll be a certified candidate for ordination. which means this will be me
...only i'll hopefully look more enthused to be sharing the gospel. (this is my mentor jallen...he's awesome don't let the photo fool you)

and i also have a new youth group, that happens to be awesome.

idk if you can tell but we took the youth and spelled out MFUMY! i think i'm the dot on the exclamation point.

we had our first swim party and it was a success. i sadly got really sick afterwards and was on quarantine.

today i went to my first student led bible study we met at subway at 7 a.m. (yes i know 7 a.m.) and it was nice. i completed my first 2 quizes and first paper. i'm hoping i can keep up w/ all the school work and i'm very fortunate to have such an outstanding network of friends, family and classmates to help me along the way.

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