well i got engaged. (wooo)

started seminary

in co-partnership w/ this program called CYMT (center for youth ministry training)
they are helping me to get my M.Div
which leads to the next awesome thing....i have my meeting w/ the dCom the end of september, so i'll be a certified candidate for ordination. which means this will be me

and i also have a new youth group, that happens to be awesome.

idk if you can tell but we took the youth and spelled out MFUMY! i think i'm the dot on the exclamation point.
we had our first swim party and it was a success. i sadly got really sick afterwards and was on quarantine.
today i went to my first student led bible study we met at subway at 7 a.m. (yes i know 7 a.m.) and it was nice. i completed my first 2 quizes and first paper. i'm hoping i can keep up w/ all the school work and i'm very fortunate to have such an outstanding network of friends, family and classmates to help me along the way.

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