and you say, well so what lauren...well the fact that these are closed toe and heels makes them a big deal. most closed toed shoes make me uncomfortable, same with heels, however.....these are awesome. proly cause for once i got them someh where that was not payless, target or wal-mart

this is how my feet normally look on a typical work day....yes i have chaco lines and yes i wore pants today for the first time since christmas....it was cold and i didn't have time to look nice enough to wear a dress or a skirt.
on to more important things

i don't know how many of you are familiar w/ google docs or google apps or google calendars
but i have a classmate who has made a calendar (google) for the entire class so to that i added an additional calendar for my life and for work....they are all color coded and let me just say it's the most incredible thing ever.
and with google docs everyone can edit and such and see the same work in progress document. which is great for class projects when your classmates are 3 driving hours away.
ahhh technology.
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