there are a few things i love more than baking.....
they would be my job (which sometimes involves baking), God, and of course adam.

but recently i have found recipes and designs that are far beyond my baking abilities. i being the well prepared youth worker that i am (ha ha ha...no seriously this time i was) decided to spend my free time on baking websites. (yes i know i'm a nerd) and i will share this next cupcake with you then i will get to my point of devoted love....while i am quite devoted to baking i am speaking of another matter.
(all cupcake pictures are property of ak cupcakes)

so recently i have had a good handful of friends talk to me about divorce (all newly married...and by newly married i mean less than 10 years) and i have recently had a good friend become un-engaged, and it makes me think. don't get me wrong i know there are valid reasons for getting divorces, but it just seems that people aren't willing to tough it through the nitty gritty anymore.
i love adam. it's not always easy but i love him. trust me esp while i'm pms'ing there are times when i'm like WILL YOU PLEASE STOP TALKING LIKE A BOOK AND TALK TO ME LIKE A NORMAL PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATED PERSON, but i love him.
maybe it's out of my realm of understanding. it just makes my heart ache a little bit when people give up on love.
Christ has never once stopped loving us, he loved us before we came into being, and if we are modeling our lives after Christ....sigh
I wish life really were as simple as cupcakes and cookies, and that people were not flawed. I hate that people hurt and cause hurt.
<3 i'm just a lover with a glass half full of milk, a heart filled with joy, and an oven filled w/ cake.
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