so i went to visit my friend taylor saturday, who is now an army wife and is going to be deployed to korea in january. i met taylor my freshman year of college. we lived on the same floor in the community bathroom in our dorm.
i liked her slippers and we've been friends ever since. anyway i borrowed her complete series of sex in the city. we used to watch it together. apparently i've changed quite a bit since then b/c the more and more i watch this show the more and more i get upset at carrie and well the show in general.
i just finished watching the episode where Charlotte discovers that carrie is the other woman and is in fact sleeping w/ big still. here is carrie, with a man that loves her and treats her well and wants the best for and she's torn!!!!
torn?!! i feel like i've waited my entire life to not only find a man like adam, but to find a man that wonderful that would return the affection.
carrie likes to think of herself as a independent woman of power, but in reality she seems to just be a pathetic woman who feels like all she has to offer a man is sex and isn't content unless sex is all a man wants from her.
dumb woman.
so, now then i present a separate question all together. what exactly qualifies as love, longing and devotion?
how does this differ from independence or obsession with your significant other?
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