Friday, April 16, 2010

the real effects of fiber

so i was thinking to myself and possibly to kate the other this thing is great i'm down to 173.4 which is basically where i should of now i can start counting what really matters. keep in mind blog readers that i only started this monday. it's amazing.....amazing how much i go to the bathroom. like i used to have mini bathroom breaks throughout the day, mostly motivated by my coffee...but now i usually just go once, sometimes twice and it's good enough to get the job done.
i was proud of my weight loss then i got to thinking....maybe for the first time in years my insides have had a clean sweep.
oh the joys of eating pounds of vegetables.


Unknown said...

So what is the gist of South Beach?

I've been trying to lose a few--mainly by walking at night and eating a ton of fruits and veggies when I snack. Oh, I'm trying (and failing) to drink more water.

I don't weigh myself very often, but I don't feel any different.

LG said...

3 phases.

phase 1 = purge. NO carbs, all the fat you could want (healthy fat non processed.) for example you can have mayo but not miricale whip. butter but not margarine. any vinagrette or olive oil dressing you can even 'fry' your veggies in olive oil
all the veggies you could eat minus roots (carrots, potatoes, beats)
basically you're purging all the sugar out of your body and teaching your body to use sugar and carbs together for energy instead of storage.

NO fruit (only for phase one, which only last 2 weeks).
only 1 caffinated drink a day (caffiene stimulates the pancreas to produce sugar)
all the diet soda (caffiene free) you could want, sugar free jello.

my staple that's getting me through this is string cheese (you may have low fat cheeses...mozerella feta ricotta but no cheddar and jack...and maybe swiss).

you can eat as much as you want...which is the great part.
oh and nuts.
it's important to eat these
12 natural almonds (no sugar or salt)
30 peanuts (same)
30 pistachios


2 tblspoons of all natural pb (no sugar added)

or 1 tblspoon of regular pb (think jiff)

all the lean meat you could want.
chicken, fish, lean cuts of beef...
remember though no sugar sauces.
so far i am now down to 172.4