so Christ teaches us that we're supposed to love without condition, and how many times do we treat people different? and Christ clearly says, thank you for feeding me when I was hungry and clothing me when I was naked, but he also says where were you when I was hungry and where were you when I was naked....everything we do, good or bad we do in the name of Christ. we are his representatives here on earth.
I have had the luxury of having many friends and I have served in several ministry positions but yesterday I encountered the kind of Christ love I have been speaking about for years.
Recently my car engine has died...well I have had the joy of hitching a ride w/ my dear class mate jason.

He serves a church out in Covington, which is the next town over.
anyway this man in my church noticed i was standing in the parking lot waiting on jason to come pick me up for class last thursday, so he tells me that i should not have to rely on others to get around....and to give him a call when i get back from class and he would take me to his house to get a car, that i could....borrow.
I am over-whelmed with joy....but it gets better, this has not been this gentleman's service and he's not through....on my way to a presby campus leadership team meeting I am on the interstate and my tire blows....shreads of rubber are flying and i get over as soon as possible.
I am sure that i need to call this gentleman and that he will be furious at me. Instead he calls one of his friends who's in the area to check on me.

I have called a tow company (the same guy that towed me that night i had the encounter with the drunk driver )and the tow guy tows me off the interstate and changes my tire for me (and does not charge me, how blessed i am), the gentleman who lent me the car's friend stays and makes sure i get rolling safely.
The gentleman who owns the car then proceeded to pick the car up this morning and get a new tire for it, and then promptly returned the car to me.
No angry words, or frustration, just hospitality.
I told him i was amazed at his hospitality and generosity. I have only been at my church now for 3 months....and he's entrusted me with his car AND something went wrong and he fixed it.
He went out of his way to be a good Samaritan.
I know this is how Christ has called us to be. To seek and tend after those in need, but the sad reality is that we are not doing this. We see those in need and sure we help them, but only when it's easy for us. I am amazed at the lovingkindness that this gentleman has shown and it has warmed my heart.
I wish for myself, and for you, that you are not only touched by this but that it changes you. Many a times we teach our youth about life lessons but rarely do we act out on them. I did not reach out to this gentleman for help, he reached out to help me.
We need seek to love those who need it, not just love those who seek our love.
Bless you brother jay.